Daith Piercing For Migraine Relief
by Wendy Teeter
How the heck do you say that? Dayth right? Wrong... the correct pronunciation is "doth", however it's generally pronounced "dayth". I always pronounce it DAYTH, but all tattoo artist and piercers will call it correctly by DOTH. Doesn't really matter how you say it, you'll get the same piercing.
Where is it at?
Out of all my research it is BEST if you have the barbellput in because the ring (as pictured) can cause some serious inflammation and healing issues. From what I've read the barbell has had no healing issues. (there are several YouTube videos about the ring NOT healing properly)
Will it work? For starters the next time you have a migraine take your finger tips and PINCH the daith area, hard, feel around get it right. Hold it for more than 5 minutes. Did it work, did you get some relief? Did you feel a nerve shoot across the top portion of your head? (some don't feel this) If so the daith might just work for you. 50% of professional piercers will say it works and the others will say NO. There are two daith piercers located in Hardin Co. KY. Just TWO!! Not every tattoo place does them, most don't. My advice is go and talk with each one in your area and see what they say. The first piercer I talked to was dead set that this didn't work, he'd done hundreds with NO results of relief. He even gave me some advice about finding a better doctor to treat them and medications available. Now before this I had done HOURS of research online.. HOURS over 20! I read, googled, searched, YouTube, videos, and forums. I read so many positive results and a few negative ones. One users comment in forums just stuck out for me. The old saying that if you believe it, then it works. His point basically was if you believe something will work then it will, don't rain on others parade. He had a wonderful speech about the people saying it doesn't work (obviously if you got the piercing and still get migraines then it doesn't work for YOU). He put it in a way about the power of positive thought going into it and about negative thought, almost like placebo effect. I know my point above just doesn't come out the way he said it. In the END if it's a placebo effect and it works then, IT WORKED! I would do anything to get rid of migraines, and if a placebo worked then in the END I'm still HAPPY! Would you rather have a migraine or a possible treatment, heck if it doesn't work take it out. It's not a spot where if it heals up people will notice. Worth the try for a relief from migraines.
The second and the last local piercier in my area that I interviewed was Crystal at the Elizabethtown MALL in Tatu (Tattoo Parlor name). I asked several questions and she said she had fantastic results for the daith piercing. i'll go more in depth later as to why her piercing works so well. (she calls it the sweet spot I call it the dip)
Both ears or ONE done? Well if you have all over migraines I would say do both, if you have more on one side I would do that side. NOT THE REVERSE side like the brain is, the side the migraines are on. It's cheaper to do both at one time piercing appointment. However you cannot sleep on a healing daith piercing. I did both not thinking about sleeping, clearly if you sleep on your side you should have one done at a time. Although... I might have chickened out of getting my second one. I'm not into needles and such so I went full forward no looking back. My migraines were basically every other day. I suffer from sinus start headaches that morph into full on migraines that sometimes cause me to puke.. a lot. I think I cured that also by doing the Navage machine twice a day. (LOVE THIS PRODUCT FOR SINUS)
The piercing
Crystal got all her stuff together. She showed me the earrings were packaged, STERILIZED, and Autoclaved. She then felt around my ear several times finding that little bitty DIP present in the daith area. Once she found her spot (sweet spot) she marked it with tattoo ink. Then she asked me to lay on my stomach and present an ear. I've read where people do this laying on the back and often jerk due to the pain. She defiantly got me in the best position on my stomach I'm unable to JERK my head in any direction. Giving her the BEST possible situation for my safety and piercing. She also used Vaseline on the tip of the needle to glide it in better. I was a little worried this wasn't sterile but she never touched it with her hands just squirted some out of the tube onto her surgical sheet. Gloves on. Was it painful, YES! Not going to lie, what I've read some feel it ,some don't and some find it the MOST PAINFUL piercing EVER. Depends totally on you and your piercer. Now I didn't feel anything (meaning hitting the sweet spot NOT Pain, I felt pain!) on the right ear she did first, I defiantly felt her get the correct spot on the left ear because I could feel the nerve shoot across my head and that nerve is what numbs the migraines. Missed the nerve on the right side but she did successfully got me on the left side. So far though, I haven't had a migraine since, only two months in. Now she went over different headache types before the procedure and said it wouldn't get rid of those type headaches.
I'm only two months past and they have finally completely healed both sides for me and they work! (I've had three rounds of different antibiotics for medical issues though so that might have gave me a shorter healing time.) I love them, the best decision I've ever made. So far I've found it out does a great job even on those caffeine headaches since I've had to go caffeine free. In two months I've only had two minor headaches that were basically NOTHING and a vision headache (no pain but my sight was effected). I've had vision migraines before although they have NEVER been painful at all I didn't even know I was having a migraine. They do still render me unable to do anything because I can't see or I just have HUGE blurry spots in my vision. (The daith piercing will not cure these, but there was never pain for me during these migraines anyway.)
Yes, my left ear (works the best, she got the sweet spot) had two infections, causing bumps around the piercing area (I've read some of these will go away and MOST don't go away causing deformity of the ear). I did things a LOT different to treat my infection. PLEASE do the recommended normal cleaning (which I was slack on and why I got the infections to start with). When they tell you THREE times a day SALINE RINSE they mean it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do not risk this because inflammation/infection on the daith can MAKE Migraines - until it's healed! Healed. So you might get stuck with a 4-6 day migraine bender! PREVENTION do the recommended saline treatments. Not to mention you most likely will be stuck with a deformed part of the ear. Now that they are healed completely I can feel that the left ear is larger due to small bump at bottom that never went away. My right ear daith piercing is smaller, but also had no infection.
How to clean my Daith Piercing
I did Saline Salt rinse three times a day, using a spray bottle, a curved syringe (NO NEEDLE), qtips to clean liquid inside the ear area, and saline spray. DO NOT USE table salt, or sea salt with iodide (not Iodine) Iodide is a nutrient added to table salt.
How to clean my infected Daith piercing
So many sites say DO NOT USE anything other than saline and great reasons why. At this point I don't think saline will get rid of the infection. I used Dial Antibacterial soap in the morning cleaning filling the qtip up and scrubbing the piercing areas, then used a saline spray to rinse the soap away. Afternoon cleaning I used peroxide to clean it. Night cleaning I used alcohol. I did this until the infection was cleared up.
Changing Daith Earrings
I got fancy and bought earrings for the daith. I bought septum clickers (earrings for the septum) thinking they would work in the daith spot. Well they look nice but they HURT to wear. Even though several sites say they will work most clickers won't. I also bought the heart earrings for the daith piercing (but these were made for daith only) I will put these in after I have my surgery. For surgery I will return to Crystal to install plastic clear barbells in. Since you can't wear metal during any surgery, or you have a job where you can't wear metal piercings. YOU WILL NOT be able to change your daith piercings, go to Crystal and have them changed or by a professional. I had one ball end fall off and my daughter spent 30 minutes trying to get it back on, she even has small fingers. Go to someone who does this everyday if it wasn't so late at night I would have went to Crystal. ps if you do have to do this with a friend put a small amount of cotton ball in your ear so when you lay down and they try to put the ball end on it doesn't fall into your ear! Lay on something that can catch it too, if they drop it, which they will! so no couch or you will NEVER find that end, not over the sink it will fall into the drain.
What supplies I use
Himalayan sea salt bought at tatu for piercing cleaning. spray bottle

Sea Salt with NO iodide (not Iodine) Iodide is a nutrient added to table salt. Bought at the ONLY place in town I could find it without iodide SAMS club!!! I checked Wal-Mart, target, all grocery stores, CVS, Walgreens, and bed bath and beyond.
Dial Antibacterial soap and Q-tips

And you will need a clean towel or paper towels when using just about all of them. I wrapped mine around my neck and flushed my piercings and then just taking a Q-tip to clean the liquid from inside my ear and let the rest dry.
Side Note: My ears were so itchy on the inside after this piercing and I couldn't get my fat fingers inside the ear to scratch because of the barbells, so always always I will repeat ALWAYS have Clean Q tips on hand for itch spots! I swear it's like having a cast on. Now that my piercings have healed I can fit my pinky finger in and get my itchy spots.
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